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Time & Location


Box office7:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Admission7:45 pm
Start8:15 pm


RWTH Main Building

The usual location of our movie screenings is the auditorium in the RWTH main building (Aula 1 im Hauptgebäude der RWTH Aachen), unless announced otherwise. Box office ticket sale is located downstairs in the wardrobe of the same building, a sign at the stairs on your way to the auditorium will help you find it.

A barrier-free entry is possible via the elevator from the courtyard (Map). To reach the auditorium (Aula 1), press the elevator button for storey "A". It may happen that the elevator is locked, so please contact us before visiting, if you are in need of a barrier-free entry (Tel. 0241 / 80-95468, Email:

FYI: Dogs are not permitted in the Aula of the main building, which means, sadly, they cannot attend our movie screenings.


Sometimes, the auditorium in the main building is reserved for other events, in which case our screenings can take place at the Audimax ("blue" lecture hall; großer (blauer) Hörsaal im Audimax). Box office is then located in the foyer of the Audimax - you can't miss it. Barrier-free entry is possible via the side door from the Wüllenerstraße. Again, please contact us beforehand, if you are in need of the barrier-free entry option (Tel. 0241 / 80-95468, Email: