Inside Out (OV)
Tickets for Inside Out 1 and Inside Out 2 are sold separately. Click the large blue link for Inside Out 1!
Feelings in a completely different way. When eleven-year-old Riley is uprooted from her home and has to move, she can no longer control her emotions. Anger, disgust, fear, sadness and joy try to bring Riley's life back into balance.
Donnerstag 10.10.2024 18:00 Uhr, Aula
Release 2015
Length 94 min
Age Rating ab 0
Country US
Genre Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Pete Docter, Ronaldo Del Carmen
(dt. Stimmen): Nana Spier, Philine Peters-Arnolds, Olaf Schubert, Tanya Kahana, Kai Wiesinger, Franziska Pigulla, Hans-Joachim Heist